Founder of described as 'hot or not' for handmade designer crafts. Making products that are un-desired and do not sell is un-sustainable from a financial as well as an ecological point of view, they become instant waste. We help designers gain valuable feedback on their designs before they get made.
After Work Club!
*Are you* in need of some mid week creative de-stressing?
We know fully well that all work and no play is bad for you so we've
decided to launch the *Craft ...
The pagan celebration for the start of spring, Imbolc, always seems to be
too early to properly celebrate, taking place somewhere between the 31st of
Check out the full episode 1 here:...
Check out the full episode 1 here:
And here is the trailer:
I am leaving this blog in abeyance.
Partly because Blogger keeps playing up so that people can't leave feedback
and the appearance keeps going gloomy.
Due to work and family commitments there will be no Handmade Cambridge this
The organisers work on a purely voluntary basis and putting together a ...
1 comment:
That hat is gorgeous!
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